Problems with the Education System and Q3 Theory

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I want to put forth a solid theory before you for this. I have been working on this since last few months and thinking on this since I started a career from 6th standard onwards. I want to share the fundamental problem that I see with our Current Education system.

I understand that their might be many exceptions to my theory, But I am convinced that fundamentally it is true.

Our Education system focuses on wrong Qualities of a Human beings. We are ignoring the most basic qualities of a human beings, which are needed for a happy life and prosperous career.

Why does our Education system does not prepare us for our life? Why do we have to do a lot of effort for the first few years of our professional career after we complete our education, to get a good job?

The Indian education system is like Breathing, It is very much essential. It keeps you alive but does not take you anywhere.
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What is the Biggest Problem with our Education System:

We focus on the wrong thing. Yes, we are focusing on the wrong qualities. The exams and evaluation process is based on Memory rather the thinking process.

History tells us that the human kind evolved due to its ability to think and adapt and not because of its ability to Remember things
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How the Q3 theory is related to our education system problems

Q3 theory is about 3 categories of qualities and their importance in our life and career. Its also about where does our education system focus on. What is the problem and how we can resolve it?

What are 3Qs (3 Quality Categories)

Lets say that every human being has 3 types of qualities. We call it 3Qs. These qualities make up the entire human intellect and existence.

Quality #1 or Q1

Q1 is what I prefer to call as Technical Qualities. These are qualities which our average high school students learn. Even college degrees and university system focus on the same. A Commerce student is taught Accounts, commerce, finance – These are their Q1. For an Engineering student, their Engineering skills are Q1.
Few Examples of Q1 Qualities are as under:

  1. Accountancy
  2. Engineering
  3. Programming.
  4. Banking
  5. Architecture
  6. Cooking
  7. Architecture

Quality #2 or Q2

Soft skills as they are more commonly known as come under this category. But Q2 refers more to the way you look, talk, walk and present yourself. Q2 relates to the personality of a person.

Q2 qualities are a little difficult to measure. A non-experienced person might not even be able to make out or measure these qualities.
Few examples of Q2 Qualities are as under:

  1. Communication
  2. Body language.
  3. Humour
  4. Conflict resolution
  5. Presentation skill
  6. Networking
  7. Time management.

Quality #3 or Q3

These qualities are more related to the character, rather than the personality. These qualities are much deeper and subtle and extremely hard to measure. Q3 qualities may be experienced by someone, but it would be almost impossible to measure them.
Few examples of Q3 qualities are as under:

  1. Empathy
  2. Integrity & Honesty
  3. Ability to Lead.
  4. Withstanding failure
  5. Courage
  6. Inspiring & Motivating
  7. Adaptability and resilience

How these 3Qs relate to Career and life.

Now, after having understood the 3Qs of a person, Let’s imagine an organisation pyramid with just three levels into it. Top management, Middle Management and Executive

Question is where do you think, these Qualities map to the organisational hierarchy?

I request you to pause and Think, before you read ahead.

3Qs and Management Hierarchy

  1. People with More of Q1 and less of Q2/Q3 will be more found in Executive levels.
    1. This is where most of people start their career.
    2. Once their Q2/Q3 qualities start growing, they start climbing up the ladder.
  2. People with well developed Q2 will be found more in Middle levels.
    1. Start looking at the middle level management people you know and map Q2 qualities with them. You will understand.
    2. People with Q2 will obviously have Q1, but the vice versa is not true.
    3. Certain MBA colleges help students to develop these Q2 qualities, but they are very handful and it also depends on students whether they develop or not.
  3. People with well developed Q3 are found more in the Top Management.
    1. Observe the people around you and you will identify this.

Evaluating Education System problem with the 3Q theory

Here are some observations that you might have noticed till now.

  1. Our education system solely focuses on Q1.
  2. Since the exams and evaluation systems are also based on performance in Q1, students also focus on Q1 qualities only.
  3. We all will agree that the Q1 or the technical education imparted in our colleges are not updated with the latest developments in the real world.
  4. So our Educated Graduate Students have to struggle even for the basic executive jobs.
  5. Working in any organisation requires at least some level Q2 skills, which are generally absent in most of the students.
  6. Which means that we are not preparing our students for growth, leadership and prosperity.
  7. In schools, we teach students to be disciplined and do only what is directed, whereas in real life we want them to think out of the box.
  8. Schools teach us to do everything according to timetable created by someone else. Whereas, in today’s world everybody needs to manage their own time and perform well. our students don’t know time management. They know to follow instructions.

Comparing the Indian Education System with Western Education System

If we examine the history of the Indian education system, it was originally based on a complete focus on Q3. The current education system which is based on Q1 was introduced by the British, obviously, because they wanted clerks.

However, surprisingly, they have adopted the education system based on Q2 and Q3. Maybe that is the reason Indians find that Foreign education as a very lucrative option.

The current Education system is a curse given to us by Britishers. It was designed to make and keep us, slaves. Its high time that India moves to a Q3 based education system.
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Japanese education system as a role model

No doubt why the Japanese have been one of the best countries in entire history. We have to understand their school system. It focuses more on Manners than on knowledge. Students are taught self-discipline, cleanliness and ethics before they start learning other things. Not only higher education but even quality of education in the sub-primary section is more focused on Q3.

Suggested solution for solving Indian Education problem

There can be lots of ideas to solve this problem. I want to initiate a discussion in society for this.

I invite you to share your ideas on

  1. How to improve educational standards in India?
  2. Decrease dropout rate and increase quality of education.
  3. Control the rising costs and get a long term social and economic benefit.
  4. In short, make Students More employable.

Please write your suggestions in the comments.


  1. Manoj Patel


  2. Vishal Kataria

    Insightful post, Limesh bhai. While the world has evolved from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Age, our educational system hasn’t evolved fast enough. This is the main reason we’re seeing high unemployment numbers. It’s time that the educational system stops seeing itself as a “degree provider” and starts understanding that it plays a much larger role in enabling people to become employable.

    • Limesh Parekh

      Thanks a lot, Vishal Bhai,

      We have started to see the change slowly. But it will take time. I think everybody involved in the system need to change the mindset. Students, Parents, Teachers, College Management, and of course the general public. I am confident that the new India will have a new education system which is much more effective.

  3. Shivdas

    The main problem with the current education system is that the teacher’s job is still not a well paid. So the majority of the knowledgeable and talented people available, don’t choose to teach as a profession. Thus slowly it has affected the education system over the years.

  4. Manohar Malani

    Some of the things has to evolve with time. A starving country building up basic infrastructure led to the development of the typical 10+2+3 education system. Skills acquired through family apprentice system was degraded along with any job requiring true skills with physical job. Even Engineers started looking for desk job and MBA degrees. Education system marketed what the society admired and aspired for. If Indian society starts appreciating innovation and hard work more than the marriage updates of rich people, the aspirations, role models and education models all will start changing.

    • Limesh Parekh

      WOW. Manohar bhai, It’s always great to have ideas from you. Thanks for your contribution. Yes, I absolutely agree that society needs to understand the requirement of a change in the education system. A proper demand will obviously be met by proper supply.

  5. Manohar Malani

    To add further, we have to probably shift the push model of teaching to pull model of learning. Even diverting people after age of 15 into skills of choice. Why do we need everyone to go to college ?

  6. Raj Trivedi

    Very well written article Limesh bhai.

  7. abhijit gole

    True evaluation of our current education system

  8. Dewang Shah

    First of all Thanks to Limesh Sir for such a insightful thought.

    According to me undoubtedly educational system is very lame that it still follows old pattern of learning and not upgrading its standard according to current situation BUT I think *WE* as a parents also responsible equally for the same.

    Every parents wants their child to be first, to be smart, to be hardworking in every subject & unknowingly we make our child *JACK of ALL and master of none*

    We push our child in RATE race of schooling and education system. We never think that every finger is not same & if we judge animal strength by its size then elephant would be a king of jungle. So first of all give some time to your child and prepare your child for Future and just not for marks.

    If schooling fails Q3 study then make child ready at home. Dont push them to unwanted extra curricular (mean to say each n every extra activity), instead find his/her ability n bring them up into it.

    Previously school officials n classes peoples says keep away child from online study, (s)he might goes on wrong way online, (s)he may suffer physical challenges and so on… n now all of sudden they only started online education like now child dont get any challenges or issues ??

    Instead of helping child in online studies, parents push them just to watch video or attend online class n JUST COMPLETE CLASSWORK n thats it their job is over….

    No doubt, India is improving and might be sooner or later education system also get change, but we dont have time to wait for our child future.

    So give some time to child, guide them n try to give Q3 values at home by yourself personally (dont depends on education).

    If school follows traditional pattern den let it be, prepare your child for real time problems *If you want that your child is the best then be the best teacher for him/her*

    Unlike just pushing them to online studies guide n encourage them for online studies… This is the future n every person has to adept it anyhow…

    sorry it is lil bit lengthy n might be absurd but i wrote what i feel?? no offend plz ??

  9. Hasmit Barot

    It is better truth and reality of our education system.
    Need to find way for improvement and major changes in system.
    Film Tare jami par and 3 idiates also raise same topic to relise the things.

  10. Ashok Shah

    Excellent thought provoking article, this kind of exercise should have been carried out by educationist, and government authorities responsible for HRD.
    For elemination of any disease, accurate diagnosis is first step. Let me congratulate you on this, your diagnosis is perfect by all means.
    Now comes selection of remedies to solve the problem, and it’s implementation.
    Let us go back to pre colonialization , and pre muslim invaders era.
    Our gurukul system of education was more or less matching all educational requirements of a person, being residential program, all the students were continuously under the careful watch of Guru and Gurumata. Each student had adequate education matching his skills and learning abilities, so by the time he enters society he was almost ready to face challenges.

    Healthy body only can have healthy mind. From the age of five years a child should be taught astang yog as envisaged in Patanjali yog sutra, ( yama, niyama, asana, pranayam, pratyahara, dharna,dhyan,and samadhi) this would develop requisite qualities in a man and help him face worldly challanges in real-life situations.

    Modern technical education should commence after these basic preparation. After proper grounding students career will not go off the desired trajectory , and his efforts will be more fruitful.
    Educationists and government should be part of this exercise,Unless these people are made part of education improvement exercise , it will remain mear talk between few concerned citizens.
    Parents role in moulding child’s character during formative years , at the age of 10 to 18 is most crucial. A child’s character and life is made or distributed during this tender age, Once properly groomed during this stage of life , later he would know himself what is good and what is not worth touching.

  11. Krutik Barot

    I personally believe that we must adopt our old ashram education system where it was mainly focused on this 3Q’s and obviously more than this.

    To change this first we have to change the examination system to non exam classes from jr kg to 6th or 7th standard .

    During this period we must free the child to
    3) implement
    The different ideas they have regarding anything.

    We must make them learn about nature. Our Hindu culture is very rich as we know the ancient Universities and ancient India was able to do anything.

    1) cultural values will include Q3 and obviously more than that and at that age students will easily adopt it .

    After the 7th standard we must first change the examination system because it doesn’t matter how much we change our educational materials/patterns (books etc) but if the examination pattern is still the same then students will be the same again.

    In this duration from 7th to 10th there must be an education system where the student discovers his/her own interest and passion in which they want to pursue their career. It can be anything
    for eg- cooking,sports, science, language ,music. etc.

    After they discover what they actually want to pursue they only need the professional/industrial guidance and support from the education system regarding that specific interest.

    • amit

      We are happy that you like our post and thank you so much for sharing views on this Q3 Theory.

  12. Sushil Sangoi

    Excellent insights.
    In over 30 years of hiring experience, I find one of the most common missing attribute is ‘Common Sense’!
    The root goes back not to our education system, I think, it goes back to parental upbringing.
    Sadly, in urban areas, with both parents working, the basic qualities of life are not imbibed by the child from parents or grand parents … !

    • amit

      We are glad that you liked our post and gave your precious time to share your review.

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